Asset Inventory
Automatically capture detailed information about all your assets - completely location-independent and across national borders.

Effortlessly comply with security regulations and save valuable time when creating and updating the inventory of your operational technology (OT). Secure your facility and capture accurate information about your assets' hardware, firmware, and configurations. Your cybersecurity and risk management will thank you for it!
Optimize OT Asset Identification
for Increased Security
Detailed OT asset identification
Combined with
active query
Integration with 3rd-party systems
Integrated vulnerability management

“The OMICRON solution is really easy to work with. I get all the information I need in a clear and understandable way. And in high quality.”
Yann Gostelli
Head of Substation Automation Systems, Centralschweizerische Kraftwerke AGThe Guide to Secure
OT Asset Inventory

Allow list approach for maximum effectiveness
Passive analysis of network traffic allows all devices communicating in the network to be detected. However, the station control system does not transmit device information such as firmware versions. This passively observed information is automatically combined with imported device files (SCL) and other device descriptions from the DCS, including technical descriptions, type, hardware configuration, product order codes, and firmware version to obtain the most accurate device information possible.

Export and synchronize your asset inventory
You can export the asset inventory at any time and import it into configuration management and ERP systems, as well as from Excel (CSV files). Importing CSV files reassures you that your inventory is complete and allows you to synchronize your data with any other source. You can also perform an active inventory to determine the firmware versions installed.

Plug-ins from 3rd-parties
Using plug-ins for ticketing systems, such as ServiceNow, tickets can be automatically created to deal with IDS alerts. Importing the asset inventory automatically assigns the tickets to the technician responsible for the affected asset or site.
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