Protecting power generation, transmission, and distribution networks from cyber attacks is critical for maintaining the supply’s security. Intrusion detection systems continuously monitor network traffic and behavior, promptly identifying and alerting to potential cyber threats - giving you the chance to react in time!

How Important Is Intrusion Detection in Your Network?

Watch our Product Manager, Andreas Klien, as he provides insight into the operational principles and applications of OMICRON's IDS StationGuard.

Strong Cybersecurity Solutions for Connected Infrastructure

Global asset 

Automatically create an accurate and complete asset inventory, regardless of location and across borders. Stay on top of everything, from the network level to the hardware configuration and firmware version of your assets.

Minimizing false positives

Only receive truly relevant alerts to your assets and network, so you can focus on the real threats. This gives SIEM systems more accurate alerts with an extremely low false alarm rate.

management for 

Vulnerability detection developed by experienced engineering experts: We use a customized database of all types of protection and control equipment and their vulnerabilities that only show you the risks that matter.

with your current

Easy connection to SIEM and ticketing systems via built-in plus-ins or Syslog for automated alarm routing, ticket assignment, and action tracking.

Full Network Understanding with Simple Visualization

Networks are visualized using a representation consistent with substation documentation and SCADA network diagrams. For IEC 61850 installations, a ZeroLine diagram is automatically generated from SCL engineering files.

The areas depicted can be linked to levels 1 through 3 within the Purdue model. This approach effectively caters to the requirements of both IT security officers and facility managers, eliminating the need for dependence on any particular system.

Intrusion Detection, Purdue Level, OMICRON


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